“Learners we can all be proud of.”

Consultancy and training for commercial and other organisations

If you would like to improve your effectiveness in dealing with the education sector, to improve client confidence and lift sales then EVC can can bring many years experience to bear on your behalf.

Product and marketing consultancy

Consultancy is available to organisations who would like to understand the education market better when designing products and marketing plans. EVC can advise you on needs and benefits, product features and marketing approaches, accompany your staff on visits to schools, or support your organisation at exhibitions and conferences.  EVC can also author and review literature to ensure that it will be appealing and meaningful to your intended audience.

Remuneration can be fee-based or commission-based.

Sales team (and related teams) training

Does your sales team need a greater understanding of the education sector or an update on current issues and concerns? This workshop combines short presentation elements with discussion and opportunities for questions. Approx 1.5-2 hrs depending on requirements.

Corporate and social responsibility consultancy

Advice for commercial and other organisations that would like to devise and/or operate an initiative to support education. This includes organisations that want to sponsor teaching materials for schools and can include reviewing content, products and approaches and authoring materials.  EVC has particular expertise in ICT, computer science and online safety, as well as in mathematics, science and photography.

To discuss your requirements further please contact us.