“Learners we can all be proud of.”
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What I have got out of today…
Much better understanding of binary, tons of great ideas for use in class. Thank you for another great session.
Alex Smith, Oxfordshire
Valuable e-
Susan Martin, Berkshire
Learnt lots about search engines. I had no idea before how they worked.
Great, got me thinking!
Clair Harris, Berkshire
Informative and just what we needed as a school -
Sophie Hammond, Berkshire
Great new things to think about.
Thea Pine, Berkshire
What I have got out of today…I now have an understanding of how the binary system works and could be able to explain it to someone else. I also got ideas for improving use of search engines. Thanks -
Beth Watts, Swindon
Digital devices information really useful.
Nicola Williams, Oxfordshire