“Learners we can all be proud of.”

Mark’s ethos and vision

EVC believes in the importance of having a clear vision of the future that is being aimed for.  A well-constructed vision can lead to a coherent, aspirational strategy, leading to improved outcomes, especially where all stakeholders have a strong sense of co-ownership of that vision. It also provides a powerful communication tool, with the potential to inspire and bind together an organisation and achieve greater engagement of external stakeholders.

Vision can exist at different levels in a school, or any other organisation. A school, its year groups, houses, faculties and departments, as well as the individual members of staff, may all have their own visions, either informal or explicit. A vision can be expressed in different ways, including text and diagrams.

Given what I have said above, you would be right to expect me to have my own, personal vision for education. As an example of what a vision might look like, I share it with you below.

Vision document

“A personal vision for education”, with wheel diagrams, as well as the text below

Strap line

Learners we can all be proud of.

Vision statement

Learners that we can all be proud of, who remain curious throughout their lives.

Vision for education

The development of individuals to be proud of, who are effective, reflective and responsible learners. Tolerant and caring, they remain curious and questioning and feel confident to grasp opportunities as they occur. Ready to consider the bigger picture in any situation, they can also focus on the detail and always seek to produce high quality work. As independent learners, they are positive, energetic and thorough and can work collaboratively as well as by themselves. They are happy, secure and well-rounded.

Vision for ICT in education

ICT teaching empowers learners by developing their ability to find information, critically evaluate it and apply it in order to solve problems and support a range of other activities. They develop their analytical skills and ability to manage the different stages of multi-faceted projects and can use a wide range of software and hardware effectively. They can work together in teams, developing the ability to evaluate their own and others’ work and contributions, whilst remaining supportive of each other. As well as understanding common forms and conventions, they use their understanding to develop innovative and creative solutions when appropriate. They understand the range of communication options, information, support and training materials available to them and can select appropriate means of building their knowledge and skills. They show a developing awareness of potential hazards and pitfalls, understanding how they can avoid or manage risks to themselves and others and can respond appropriately when things go wrong. They seek to take charge of technology, focusing on their desired outcomes. They are discriminating in their choices and show a good understanding of what new and emerging technologies and related services may be able to offer.