“Learners we can all be proud of.”

FFT Aspire training - delegate comments

Return to FFT Aspire - training and support

“Two very useful sessions that we’ve all got a lot out of…much more confident with the
website and the data.” Gerry Heynes, Headteacher

“A great introduction to Aspire and how it will enable us to use the information to
assist with our SIP.” Liz Tarbit, Berkshire

“Interesting course and well presented/explained. Clear steps and modelled examples.”
Kara Pettipher, Berkshire

“A really useful session that will be a big help going forward.” Berkshire teacher

“Have a good understanding of how to use Aspire. Interesting looking at pupil groups.” Berkshire teacher

“Engaging presenter. Clear information.” Berkshire teacher

To discuss your detailed requirements please contact us.