“Learners we can all be proud of.”

Pandemic diary 2: Newbury emerges
from lockdown
by Mark C Baker

Published January, 2021

Available from  Amazon [<<Amazon site>>/dp/B08VLWLKS6],
including Amazon.co.uk, Amazon.com, Amazon.ca, Amazon.com.au,
Amazon Europe and Amazon.co.jp, as well as other retail outlets.
Print and Kindle versions.

On 31 December 2019 the World Health Organisation received its first report that a pneumonia of unknown cause had been detected in the Chinese city of Wuhan. By 11 March 2020 the outbreak had been declared a pandemic.

Pandemic diary 2 is a photo-journal that picks up the story from the end of Pandemic diary: Newbury in a time of crisis and covers the period from 19/06/2020 to 17/09/2020. The initial restrictions were gradually relaxed. The challenge now was to see how much "normality" could be restored, without sending infection rates soaring once more. It is one person's story, living in a medium-sized English town. It covers the local area in detail, but also some of the key national and international issues that were unfolding during this unprecedented time. Just one story, but what a story!

8.5 x 11”, 138 full colour pages, over 320 photographs.
ISBN: 979-8576477791 (soft cover)
ASIN (print): B08VLWLKS6   ASIN (Kindle): B08W4BCHWD

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