“Learners we can all be proud of.”

Purchasing support

Once you have had your free initial support meeting and decided to go ahead and purchase support, there are two ways of doing this.

Per visit or event, including bespoke consultancy and training

This is the most flexible way to purchase your support. Prices will depend on the length and number of visits and the amount of preparation and follow-up required. Work is quoted for following an initial discussion, which can be face-to-face or by telephone.

Support packages

This is the most cost-effective way of purchasing support. Packages start at a minimum of five visits and can be for any number above this.

Packages that run for 12 months for infants/junior/primary schools are called Primary Plus and those for secondary schools are called Secondary Select.

Packages that run for the equivalent of a term, to allow closer or more intensive support, are even better value and are called Focus.

A current price list will be sent on request to any valid school email address.

All support packages are paid for in advance.

If you would like to arrange a support package or to discuss your requirements further,
please contact us.