“Learners we can all be proud of.”

Wildlife of the Kennet and Avon Canal
by Mark C Baker

Published March, 2019

Available from  Amazon [<<Amazon site>>/dp/1796436283],
including Amazon.co.uk, Amazon.com, Amazon.ca, Amazon.com.au,
Amazon Europe and other retail outlets.
Print and Kindle versions.

A rich and varied collection of original photographs, Wildlife of the Kennet and Avon Canal makes ideal reading for anyone with an interest in UK wildlife. It also makes an excellent souvenir of this quintessential British canal.

Packed with full colour photographs, this book illustrates the range of wildlife that anyone could come across along this waterway. Most of the images were taken using a conventional, hand-held camera, either from the tow path or very close to it. Some of the close-ups were taken using a macro lens, with the camera sometimes mounted on a tripod, elsewhere a telephoto lens was used. There was no use of hides or specialist photographic equipment, beyond that mentioned.

The book includes wildlife spotting suggestions and photographic hints and tips, as well as a collection of wildlife stories. It provides a fabulous introduction to watching and photographing wildlife and will help to enhance your enjoyment of one of Britain’s best-loved canals.

8.5 x 11”, 152 full colour pages, over 370 photographs.
ISBN: 978-1796436280   ASIN (Kindle): B08PCBMYBG

Available worldwide: As well as Amazon, this book is available to order from a range of bookshops and online retailers. Independent booksellers can order copies from a number of distributors, such as Ingram, NACSCORP, Baker & Taylor and CreateSpace Direct.

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Video 1 Canal overiew

Video 2
Invertebrates and other macro subjects

 Video 3
WW2 - The K&A as part of Britain’s last line of defence

Video 4
The eastern end of the K&A

Video 5
Towpath Taskforce volunteers

Video 6
Feeding ducks and swans

All Kennet and Avon Canal videos

Video 7
Water birds

Video 8
Happy thoughts

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