“Learners we can all be proud of.”

Primary Computing: Series

These courses are aimed at colleagues who are new to the Computing subject leader/coordinator role or who have missed some of the earlier subject update sessions. They aim to build delegates’ understanding of some of the key concepts and ideas that underpin computing, as well as exploring possible teaching activities that link to these concepts and ideas.

Shorter versions (60-90 mins) of these courses, that are suitable for whole-school training, e.g. during staff meetings, can also be arranged for individual schools.

If you are looking for help and support in writing a computer science curriculum, please see the pages for the Computing Curriculum Writing Workshops and bespoke support.

Agenda, venue and booking details for confirmed courses can be found by clicking on the links in the [Event] and details column.

Computing 1: Living in a digital world  examines what makes a digital device, "digital", shows how the binary number system can be introduced and explores ways of representing information digitally. Computing 2: What is a computer?  This course looks inside the box, building an understanding of hardware

Computing 3: Searching, finding, evaluating takes internet investigation beyond simple Google searches

Computing 4: Barcodes and computing  Barcodes can teach a lot of important computing concepts and are easy to introduce into the curriculum).

Computing 5: Algorithms  Algorithms in many different forms are considered, dry running of algorithms is introduced. Algorithms covered include those for searching and sorting.

It is expected that more courses will be added to this list over the coming year.


If you are interested in hosting future courses at your school, please get in touch, to discuss the details and the benefits on offer. We are happy to consider new venues in areas that are not already covered.




[Event] and details

All areas considered

Current academic year

Host schools being actively sought for these courses

[xx] Computing 1-4